This letter was sent on July 11 to Representatives Michlewitz, Cusack and Soter and Senators Rodrigues, Moran and Tarr:
We, the 36 undersigned, are writing regarding H.3770/S.2406, An Act to improve the Commonwealth’s competitiveness, affordability, and equity currently before this conference committee.
We ask for inclusion of Sections 10-14 of S.2046 in the conference committee’s final report, language amending the current septic system tax credit. This language will increase the current septic system tax credit, mitigating the cost to homeowners who replace their failed cesspool or septic systems with a system consistent with the current State Environmental Code. The proposed increase in the credit reflects the increase in septic system design and installation costs since the current statute was enacted nearly 30 years ago. The Senate version (Sections 10-14, inclusive, of S. 2406) builds upon similar language included in the Governor’s tax relief package.
As leading environmental organizations and municipal public health agencies concerned for the health of Massachusetts’ waters, we know that properly functioning septic systems are essential to the quality of communities’ drinking water, to swimmable, fishable rivers, streams, ponds, bays and oceans, and to the health of entire watersheds. Many communities across the Commonwealth – particularly the more rural and less densely developed communities – rely on septic systems, rather than sewers, to treat their waste water. In the 25+ years since the current septic tax credit was adopted, the cost of fixing failed systems has increased dramatically, while the current credit is subject to limitations that are no longer appropriate.
Here is a summary of the language in Senate Bill 2406, Sections 10-14 . . . changes to the current septic system tax credit, Chapter 62, Section 6(i):
Increases the % of design and construction cost for upgrades or replacements of failed cesspools and other septic systems eligible for the credit from 40% to 60%;
Deletes the current statute’s reference to the 1995 Title 5 regulations and inserts “the State Environmental Code;”
Increases the maximum system upgrade cost eligible for a rebate from $15,000 to $30,000;
Increases the maximum annual credit from $1,500 to $4,000; and
Increases the maximum amount of credit carryover over a 5-year period from $6,000 to $18,000.
We ask for the inclusion of Sections 10 -14 of S.2406 in the conference committee’s report of H.3770/S.2406, An Act to improve the Commonwealth’s competitiveness, affordability, and equity.
Sincerely yours,
Deborah Weaver, Executive Director
Westport River Watershed Alliance
Mark Rasmussen, President
Buzzards Bay Coalition
Richard Delaney, Executive Director
Center for Coastal Studies
Bradley Campbell, President
Conservation Law Foundation
Jen Ryan, Deputy Director of Advocacy
Charles River Watershed Association
Ron Rhodes, Interim Executive Director
Connecticut River Conservancy
Jen Mergel, James & Audrey Foster Executive Director
Esplanade Association
Aimee Petras, Executive Director
Farmington River Watershed Association
Brian Yellen, President
Fort River Watershed Association
Eric Grunebaum, Director/Cofounder
Friends of Jerry’s Pond (Cambridge)
Karen Buck, President
Friends of the Malden River
Mike Yeomans, President
Greater Boston Trout Unlimited
Lynn Werner, Executive Director
Housatonic Valley Association
Wayne Castonguay, Executive Director
Ipswich River Watershed Association
Pine duBois, Executive Director Jones River Watershed Association
Sam Anderson, Director of Legislative and Government Affairs
Mass Audubon
Julia Blatt, Executive Director
Massachusetts Rivers Alliance
Ivan Ussach, Director
Millers River Watershed Council
Caroline Reeves, Co-Founder
Muddy Water Initiative
Patrick Herron, Executive Director
Mystic River Watershed Association
Kerry Malloy Snyder, JD, Advocacy Director
Neponset River Watershed Association
Alison Field-Juma, Executive Director
Rob Moir, PhD, Executive Director
Ocean River Institute, Inc.
Kate McPherson, Narragansett Bay Riverkeeper
Save The Bay
Tom Bell, Presiden
Straits Pond Watershed Association
Anne Slugg, Chair and Sudbury Representative
Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Stewardship Council
Joseph Callahan, President
Taunton River Watershed Alliance
Steve Long, Director of Policy and Partnerships
The Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts
Linda Orel, Sr. Director of Government Relations
The Trustees of Reservations
Keven Desmarais, Health Agent
Town of Freetown
Edward Cullen, Health Agent
Town of Lakeville
Lori Desmarais, Director of Public Health
Town of Marion
Gail Joseph, Health Agent
Town of Mattapoisett
Karen Walega, Health Director
Town of Rochester
Matthew Armendo, Director, Board of Health
Town of Westport
Lundy Bancroft
Western Massachusetts Rights of Nature